
EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing In-situ Testing Environmental Monitoring Water Quality Monitoring Pastel - Model Uviline - Spectrophotometers
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Pastel - Model Uviline - Spectrophotometers


Use:UV-Visible spectrophotometer designed for measuring concentrations with or without reagents.


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The PASTEL UVILINE, real analyzer for water quality, combines two measuring methods for a complete and efficient analysis:

  • The spectralyse method, a UV method developed by SECOMAM, which allows the measurement of 6 parameters simultaneously without reagents (COD, BOD, TOC, TSS, NO3, Detergents). Thus permits a rapid characterisation of the effluent.
  • The micro-methods based on traditional chemical methods for the measurement of other required parameters (PO4, NH4, etc …).

Thanks to the combination of these two methods, the PASTEL UVILINE offers the choice to work with or without reagents for a wider range of measurement.

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